Today I'm having a movie marathon! Hubby is away all day, so I have Netflix all to myself... this means I get to watch all the movies I've added to my list, but that hubby wouldn't particularly like.
Here's what I watched:
Death comes to Pemberley
I love Pride & Prejudice, so of course I had to watch this. This little gem, which is a BBC three episode mini series, shows what happens (or one idea of what happens) after Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy have their "happily ever after" moment.
Verdict: If you like Pride & Prejudice, it's Worth the watch!
Sugar Coated

This documentary showcases a Canadian approach to the battle of the bulge. Included are the works of Gary Taubes, Robert Lustig, Yoni Freedhoff, and Sami Inkinen.
It shows a peek behind the veil of the sugar companies and their tactics which draw an astonishing parallel to those used by the tobacco companies years ago...
Verdict: A Must SEE!
The True Cost

This humbling documentary follows those affected by "Fast Fashion" and shows that those inexpensive "throw away clothes" do have a higher cost -- in the form of sweatshop labor, environmental depletion, and pollution.
Verdict: It'll make you think about your own consumerism and who it affects!!!

This low budget thriller was a recommendation from a friend -- it's wonderfully done and keeps you at the edge of your seat!
The story centers around a lone female protagonist put in at an interesting disadvantage...
Verdict: The ending was the absolute best!!!
What are you doing just for fun today?
Which movies should I watch next?
Have you seen any documentaries that really make you think??
Let me know in the comments below!!
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