Saturday, July 25, 2015

Salmon Patties

Made these beauties for dinner tonight. 
I always ate these simple Salmon Patties at my grandma's house and she always served them with tomato soup. This meal hit the spot!!
  • One large can salmon - if you can, get boneless skinless.  If your store is like mine and didn't have that option, just drain and remove skin and either remove bones or crush them with your fingers or a fork. 
  • Two eggs
  • 1 cup finely Chopped onion
  • Half a sleeve of crackers, crushed & pulverized. 
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Olive oil - for the pan while cooking
  • Tomato soup on the side for dipping. 
Directions:  Heat pan, add oil to lightly coat bottom of pan.  Then mix the salmon, eggs, onion, salt, pepper, and crushed crackers and form patties. Cook until brown and crispy on both sides and cooked through. 
Try it!! It's so good!!! ^_^
What are your favorite recipes for salmon?  
Did your grandma/grandpa/aunt/uncle/etc... have a special signature dish??  
Leave a reply and let me know!

Friday, July 24, 2015

Fueling for Runs

Fuel History

My running background is all shorter distances -- 1 or 2 miles, 5K's, and 10K's -- so during training and races I feel fine running on an empty stomach.  I've never had to give a thought to fueling for runs until now.
In the process of training for my first half-marathon, -- in JULY in the SOUTH -- I'm faced with the reality that I'll need to hydrate and fuel before, during, and after runs.  On the few training runs where I haven't hydrated, I feel super sluggish and my pace suffers.  Since I don't make a habit of eating before training runs, I often run out of steam on the long walk/run/walk interval that are 5+ miles.
All this led me to research running fuel.

Running Fuel Options

Goops, Globs, Bloks, and Chews *OH MY!*
In my research, I stumbled across a wide range of fuel options.  This article had the following picture that showcased a few of the fueling products on the market.
break down
As someone that doesn't like the idea of spending a fortune on fueling gunk that may or may not sit well in my stomach, I continued my search for more fueling options.  I accumulated a short list of normal food products that can be used for running fuel.
  • Pretzels
  • Honey
  • Jelly Beans
  • Swedish fish
  • Gummy bears
  • Fruit Snacks
  • Starbursts
  • Sports Drinks
  • Homemade fruit gels
All you have to do is portion out your fuel choice based on your carb needs.  A little baggie or plastic wrap to hold your pre-portioned doses and you're off!   Bonus:  You get to eat candy!!!  While running!!!
I plan to test a few of these options out on my next run that's 5+ miles long.  I'll let you know how it goes!

Fuel Plan

This article, from Runner's World, talks about how to fuel for morning runs.  Since it's as hot as a demon's butt-hole here in the south, most of my runs are early morning runs -- so I read this article and found some MATH!!!
Here's an excerpt regarding fueling before runs:
"When trying to determine how much fuel to take in before a long run (longer than 75 minutes) begins, the general rule is to consume approximately 0.5 grams of carbohydrate for every pound of body weight and then multiply that number by the number of hours you have before you will begin your run.
Let’s say you weigh 180 pounds, and you have one hour before the run will begin.
180lbs x 0.5 = 90
90 x 1 hour = you need to eat 90 grams of carb to fuel your run.
In your case, you have only half an hour. So your equation will look like this:
180lbs x 0.5 = 90
90 x ½ an hour = you need to eat 45 grams of carb to fuel your run.
So what does 45 or even 90 grams of easy-to-digest carbohydrate look like? It might be a ½ a bakery bagel (~30 grams) and eight ounces sports drink (~15 grams). It might be an English muffin (~25 grams) topped with two tablespoons jam (~30 grams). If you want to eat a gel chased with water instead, that will give you about 25 grams of carbohydrate. For some additional easy-to-digest carbs, you could add in four ounces of fruit juice or half a large banana; either will supply you with approximately 15 more grams of easy-to-digest carbs."
What about fueling during runs?
"In general, runners need to add in 30 to 60 grams of carbohydrate each hour that they are running longer than 75 minutes. But you’ll need to start fueling earlier than 75 minutes into a run; by that time, your tank will be empty, and once you hit empty it is very hard to recover. Start taking in fuel within 30 minutes of hitting the pavement."
My plan is to start at the low end of the carbohydrate spectrum and build up from there.  My stomach is pretty sensitive and I don't want to puke everywhere!!
My plan for my next 2+ hour run.
I'm going to try these Fruit Snacks!  Each pouch has 19 grams of carbohydrates, so for a 2+ hour run, I'd need approximately 1.5 pouches.  Each pouch contains roughly a dozen snacks so I'll try to evenly space the bites starting at the 30 minute mark.
I'll write another post about how it goes!  Especially if I PUKE it all up!
How do you fuel for runs?
Do you have a favorite type of fuel?  
Have you ever had a bad experience with fueling?

Friday, July 17, 2015

Week 1 of Half Marathon Training

This week marks the first week of Half Marathon Training -- a transition from the couch to 5K training to a new 4 day per week training plan.  (See below, I'm using this plan from Fitness Magazine).
Half Marathon training

Here's how my week went:

My week's overview via
Screen Shot 2015-07-19 at 8.51.48 AM
  • Monday's workout - 2 mile walk, 1 mile run, 2 mile walk
    • it should be noted that I walked my dog for the first 2 miles -- which meant carrying him for over a mile because he's a lazy turd -- I carried him like a 15lb football and then dropped him off at home to complete the rest of the workout.
    • It was HOT!  93 degrees and super humid.  Notes for next time -- bring WATER!  I hate carrying anything with me when it's hot and humid, I'm too afraid that it'll slip out of my hands.  Maybe I'll try stashing a bottle somewhere on my route so I can hydrate without having to carry?
    • This run was done first thing in the morning, so I hadn't eaten anything.  This usually isn't a problem for me, as my runs are relatively short, but on this day I definitely needed a little something...
  • Wednesday's Workout - 1 mile easy
    • This was a fun one for me.  The weather was hot, but since I was only doing a mile I didn't stress it too much.  I made sure to do a dynamic warmup.
  • Saturday's Workout - 2 mile walk, 1 mile run, 2 mile walk
    • Having one of these under my belt helped with the mental aspect.
    • I vowed not to bring the doggy along, but then ended up bringing the dog and hubby for the last 2 miles.  They didn't make it the whole way -- both of them were hot, sweaty, and miserable by the first half mile so I finished this portion out alone
  • Sunday's Workout - 2 mile long run
    • Another Humid one!  77 degrees with 93% humidity.  It was so humid, all of our windows were foggy!   Humidity is harder for me than actual heat.  If it's a dry heat, I'll sweat and actually feel recharged.  When it's humid, I sweat and sweat and sweat with no relief -- as a result I feel disgusting and sluggish.  (Maybe soggy is the better word.)
    • Started this run with the same dynamic warmup and felt ready to go.
    • A quarter of a mile in, my calves felt super tight -- have to remember to stretch my calves more purposefully before my next run.
    • The last half mile or so, I felt some discomfort in my left foot -- I noted this and kept going.  It wasn't a stabbing or sharp pain, more of a sore muscle pain so I'll stretch it and check on it later tonight.

Plan for Today:

Shower, breakfast, church, grocery shopping.
Then maybe hanging with some friends!?!
I also plan to SLEEP IN tomorrow!!  I'm very excited!  Why?  I switched my running days to Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday -- earlier than I had originally planned due to a heat wave that's hitting my area.  This way, I can use the treadmills at work for the Tuesday/Thursday runs and only have to beat the heat at Saturday/Sunday when there is considerably less traffic in my neighborhood.  I'll keep you posted of any other changes.

What was your week like?
What's your plan for today?
How do you beat the heat?  Hydrate mid-run?