Monday, September 28, 2015

Week 2 of Marathon Training

This week's Workouts

Monday -- Walk/stretch/XT
Tuesday -- 20-35 min run
Wednesday -- Walk/stretch/XT
Thursday -- 20-35 min run
Friday -- Off/Stretch
Saturday -- 4 mile run
Sunday -- OFF

How did it go?

Monday -- Walked/stretched
Tuesday -- 35 min run outside, overcast/cloudy 65 degrees, Lovely run!
Wednesday -- Stretched
Thursday -- 20 min run inside on treadmill, bored, wanted it to be over...
Friday -- OFF
Saturday -- 4 miles, drizzly/misty, 65 degrees & cloudy -- Listened to podcasts and had an amazing run!
Sunday -- OFF

This week's eating plan

Saw this youtube video which is a Ted talk about intuitive eating...
Intuitive eating:
  • Eat when you're hungry, stop when you're full -- 
  • Nothing is off limits -- eat what brings you joy
  • Eat mindfully with limited distractions
  • Enjoy each and every bite

How did it go?

Physically -- Down 1.4 pounds (maybe even more) from last week.  More in touch with body's needs.  Getting to know what hunger feels like, what fullness feels like, and how uncomfortable it is to be too fully or to have indigestion from eating too fast.
Mentally -- So relaxed!  Not thinking about food every minute of every day.  Honoring myself, my body's changing needs, and my hunger.  Not constantly reprimanding myself about "good" or "bad" choices -- food is food... some will recharge me and fulfill me better than others, sure, but that doesn't make them bad... Emotionally an apple can be as emotionally fulfilling as an apple pie and my body knows the difference.

How did your week go?
 What eating rules do you make yourself?  
Are you in touch with your body's needs?

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Treadmill run and the wrong coffee...

Just a quick note about the luxury of treadmill runs. 

I was able to get in about 2 miles today -- even though it was raining and gross out -- and I had a fan the whole time.  It was amazing.

FAN + Treadmill = No sweat for this chubby runner girl!  :D 

This equation is great, especially since I was at work and see colleagues!

Now for a quick rant

There is NOTHING I hate MORE than when STARBUCKS or any other coffee place gets my order WRONG!

Today, I wait in a super long line patiently.  I smile when it's my turn and order politely -- thanking the little barista as she rings up my order.  At this point, I shift to the end of another long line, this time to wait for my order to be ready.  Finally, after what feels like an eternity, my name is called and I can wrap my hands around my prize!
Feeling the cup is far too hot for a quick taste -- I walk out of the store and wait patiently so as to not burn my flesh.
After I return home, I brave a sip -- only to discover that my CHAI LATTE is just a plain unsweetened espresso... NOT EVEN CLOSE!!


So bad

So awful


How do you handle runs on rainy days?  
Have you ever had Starbucks destroy your dreams like they did to mine today?
How do you cope?

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Fire ants!!!

This mornings run was scheduled as a 35 minute easy run. 

With all my struggles lately, I was apprehensive and wanted to really listen to my body. 

Three minutes into my warmup walk, I felt the tightness in my calves and thought I should stop and stretch... So with the help of a beautiful big tree I got to stretching. 

Then I noticed them. A river of fire ants weaving around the bark of the tree winding all the way up and down. It was already too late and as I fled from the tree brushing the little demons off I could already feel the burning stinging bites around my ankles and legs. 




Undeterred I completed my run. As usual the first thirty minutes were a constant struggle between my will power and my lack of self confidence. After all, just because I've run for over three hours without stopping doesn't mean I can run an easy 35... Or does it?  

But then, for the last 5 minutes or so, my body just settled in and loosened up.  And running was... Fun...  


It's the last five minutes that keep me coming back for more.  

Back home I'm noticing the massive swelling from the bites and the pain and itchiness is already setting in.  Going to be a long day. 

How do you treat fire ant bites?

How was your last run?

Do you ever have those moments during your run that make it all better?

Sunday, September 20, 2015


I've never considered myself a caregiver to myself.   I think of my role as my husbands partner and my dog's custodial parent. In each case, I give my all to helping them and addressing their needs. 

But that's not how I have to feel about myself. No one is there to take care of me but me!  I have one life, one body, and one chance to be the best I can be. It's my duty to take the best possible care of myself that I can. 

Too often, I put other people or other things in front of my own self interest. I sacrifice sleep, time, energy, or sanity for the sake of others... Like so many other women in my world. I follow the example set forth by my own mother -- who would throw out her back to cook us a good meal, give us the food off her plate so that we'd feel full, and work three menial jobs just so my dad could go to a great university.  

My mom never put herself first. She wasn't acting as her own caregiver. Now, her health is poor even though she's still very young!  She had us when she was in her late teens/ early twenties - so she's not even fifty yet but suffers from arthritis, chronic pain, and several digestive issues (which I suspect stem from malnutrition in her early life). 

Even now she's putting others needs before her own!  As much as I want to grab her and shake her and have her take better care of herself, I can't. Afterall, who am I to talk?

It would be hypocritical to wag my finger at her for choosing foods that are junky and just hurt her tummy when I do the same thing!  I couldn't ask her to listen to her body's limits and not push to hard to avoid pain or injury when I do this daily!

The only thing to do is lead by example and be the change I hope to see in her. 

I have to be my own personal caregiver and put my health and best interests first!  First, by choosing foods by ability to fuel my runs and make me feel good. Second, by slowing down and enjoying the moment and third by easing into my training sessions and not pushing too hard too fast. 

Are you your best caregiver?
Do you put others first instead of yourself?
What could you gain from self-care?

Week 1 of MarathonTraining

Not going to lie, this week was tough! Rough! And ugly!

The plan:
Eating - weight watchers
Running - two 30 min runs, one 3 mile long run
Cross training - crossfit, plyometrics, Zumba!

The reality:
Eating - all over the place
Running - all over the place!  One 15 min run, one 15 min run and 15 min walk/run... And that's it for the week!!
Cross training - crossfit, plyometrics, Zumba, and then so much pain and stiffness that I was stressing!!

What happened?
The week started off with stiffness and a terrible lack of will. I just didn't want to!  I've written before about battling the I don't want to's-- but I feel like this week I just couldn't win. 

I wanted to eat anything and everything in sight.  I wanted fast food, junk food, and anything cheesey.  I didn't want to cook, didn't want to wake up, and didn't want to run or workout. 

It felt like every single decision was a huge battle of wills!!  

Why do I get in these ruts?  I know weight watchers works for me, but I'm so against any sort of rigidity right now. I want to eat to fuel my body and stop the diet mindset that some foods are "good" while others are "bad". I don't want to have to constantly worry about what to eat and when to eat because I lose weight best when I'm in auto pilot. 

When's decisions are easy, I don't stress about calories or points and I can focus on how my body feels. I think this is especially important in my marathon train g cycle because my goal is to finish without injury. 

I have to practice understanding what works for my body and what doesn't. I have to become a better listener and caregiver to myself. But this will not happen instantly. 

Scale bail!
I step on the scale after what I know was a rough week. Immediately I wanted to bail on my intuitive eating plan!  I wanted to count calories or do weight watchers or anything to shed weight fast!! 

So I consulted my hubby and he reminded me to relax and that I didn't really run at all. He said, very lovingly, that I just need to, " chill and move that doopa!"  

I love him.... What good advice. 

I'm making that my goal for this week. "Chill and move that doopa!!"  Focus on my runs, stretching & strengthening, and listening to my body's signals. 

To help with the food binging-- I'm also going to incorporate MORE food into my plan -- veggies/fruits at every meal and start with lots of water to flush out any ickiness and rehydrate my cells. 

How did your week go?
How do you recover from a bad week?
Do you find intuitive eating difficult?

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Cross Fit Day 1

CrossFit and Running... do they mix?

Well I'm here to find out!  

For my training cycle, I'll be incorporating two days per week of Cross Training and/or Strength Training.  I need to get stronger and leaner if I'm going to make it the full 26.2!!

A great friend of mine is an avid CrossFitter -- (is there any other kind?) -- and she's shown me a few things and created a few workouts for me to try.  Between her and my own research (... Pinterest...), I'll be sweating it in between training runs.

Yesterday was day 1 and here's what I did -- I had to start slow because I'm OUT OF SHAPE!! (As out of shape as you can be and still complete a Half Marathon...)

Beginners Workout

Complete each exercise for 1 minute, followed by a max of 1 minute rest.  Complete 2 rounds for a total of 20 minutes
  • Sit ups
  • Squats
  • Push ups
  • Lunges
  • High Plank Hold OR Forearm Plank Hold

How'd it go?

At the time, I was super proud that it seemed easy -- like no great effort to complete each move and the minutes just flew by!!  I wanted to do more and push further, but I was encouraged to take it really easy the first few workouts until I can see what my limits are.

Boy am I thankful that I followed this advice!

My legs HURT today!  In places that I didn't know existed!  

What's on the Docket for Today?

Today on my schedule I have an easy run -- the first run since the Half Marathon over a week ago.  I was told to do either 15 or 30 minutes and with they way my legs feel, I'm going to take it easy with the 15 minute run.  

My number one priority (besides completing the Full Marathon in March) is to avoid injuries!  So "easy does it" will be my motto for the next 25 weeks!

Do you have any CrossFit stories or Workouts you'd like to share?  
How do you cross train or strength train for marathon prep?

Sunday, September 13, 2015

What's next?

The huge rush of excitement that I feel race day is weirdly followed by a feeling of emptiness.  

Like the day after Christmas... School is still out, but all the presents are opened.  The day you waited for all year is done and now you're stuck eating leftovers considering the rest of your year...

That's where I've been all week. In a head space of "now what?"  

I figured it out!  

I will be running a full marathon on a March 3rd!!!  This means I can start training Monday and will have 25 weeks of training broken into several phases. 

 With each phase, there will be a slightly different emphasis -- where major mileage building will come closer to the end.  

This will give my legs a bit of a break while I really focus on cross training and weight lifting to strengthen all over. 

What do you normally feel like after a long awaited race?

What's your training plan?

What's your favorite workout for cross training or weight lifting? 

Sunday, September 6, 2015

I did it!!

I ran 13.1 miles without stopping!! 

 It was hot and I pushed myself but it wasn't sunny and there was a nice breeze. 

When the starting gun went off, I had my butterflies and a very realistic belief that this might not end well. 

I was so doubt-y of myself because I have this stupid ingrained belief that, " maybe I can't..."  I teared up with my nerves and fears and self doubt. 

It took a lot in me to shake that all away and just run...Then I got into my rhythm-- pushing myself while keeping a cool head. 

My slow little trot was just enough to keep me between the 3:00 and 3:30 pace keeper flags. 

I tried to remind myself that, "slow isn't a sign of a character flaw - quitting is."  So I did not quit!  At first I pushed a little too fast, but then settled into the back of the pack for the long haul. 

I had enough steam left in me to push the last jaunt!  

How was your last racing experience?
Do you ever tear up during a hard workout or scary race start?

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Last Training Run & Some Randoms...

How did that happen?

Today I ran 3 miles on the treadmill at a medium/hard pace.  This marks the last training run before my half marathon!  I can't believe it!  I really can't!  How did this happen?  It feels like I blinked and boom race day is this weekend!!

Here are some Random pictures from this training cycle:

  • Running for over 3 hours with this very old iPod nano in my shorts pocket killed it!  Apparently my body heat and perspiration were enough to render it dead...  
  • I'm always hungry -- and you wouldn't like me when I'm hungry.  Keeping snacks like these pretzels stashed in my office help calm the beast.
  • I've dabbled in baking with yeast lately.  I've successfully created pizza dough, dinner rolls, and now Cinnamon Rolls (as seen below).  They are my current obsession and I want one or ten every single day.  SO GOOD!  
  • croll

I've also become slightly obsessed with naps --- I've never been a good napper, but lately I've had one after every long run and felt SO MUCH BETTER after each one.  Naps on a normal day just result in me lying awake in bed staring at the ceiling or my phone.  Naps after a long run result in serious sleeping -- with drool and messy hair and everything -- but I wake up less sore and less stiff!

How is your training going?  
Have you ever killed an Ipod?  
What's your current food obsession?

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Weigh in Wednesday #2

Why Weigh in Wednesday?

For the past few years, I've had at least one weigh in day a week.  This day has been Sunday for the longest time.  For Weight Watchers, weigh in day meant a complete resetting of the weekly activity and bonus points.  Weigh in day for me is synonymous with renewal and restart.  A chance to see where I'm at progress wise.  A chance to see what I have to change for the upcoming week and what went well that I should continue doing.

Having my weigh in day on the weekend meant starting the week fresh.  It also meant that I would over do it almost every weekend -- why not, right?  I mean the weekly points "start over" anyway?

This was a problem for me.  Every weekend was the same -- instead of using it as a time to focus and plan for the week, I was carefree and would eat way too much!

So I decided to make the change.  Instead of weighing in on Sunday morning, I now weigh in on Wednesday morning -- first thing.

At this point, the change meant something to look forward to mid-week as well as a way to stay on plan during the weekends.

How'd it go?

This week, my second week back on weight watchers full throttle, was not perfect.  Not that it had to be... but I definitely try.  I was obsessed with bagels and cream cheese this whole week and had one for breakfast nearly every day.  This was both good (consistency) and bad (lots of points!), so I decided to switch things up to a lighter option -- a Frittata with Broccoli and Cheese... Half the points and has more protein and fiber.

I also, due to my half marathon training, ran 18 miles this week... so I earned  LOTS of activity points :D.

By the end of the day yesterday, I was seriously craving Wendy's, so I decided to treat myself!  I over did it a bit, but that meant I was too full for dinner so it evened out a bit.

The proof is in the pudding, as they say, so what did the scale say?  Down 2.2 pounds!!  I was so excited I weighed myself four times!!

Keeping the Momentum

Success breeds success!  I want to use the success of this week and turn it into more success!

What worked:
  • Eating at home!
  • Planning meals in advance
  • Consistent breakfasts
  • Running regularly!
What needs to be changed:
  • Giving into cravings! -- Just because I really really really really really wanted Wendy's, doesn't mean I should have it!

How did your week go?
Did you lose/gain?  How much?
What are you keeping/changing for this week?

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Week 7 of Half Marathon Training

Seven weeks!!  It's almost race day!!!  

Progress report

This weeks runs were a mix of indoor and outdoor with my longest run outside.

Here’s what I had scheduled for this week:
  • Tuesday –2 mile walk 2 mile run 2 mile walk -- On treadmill at work.  Felt good!
  • Thursday – 3 miles easy.  This run felt REALLY good.  I was able to run out at a good pace without feeling exhausted.  
  • Saturday – 11 mile long run at super easy pace.  I forced myself to run even slower than I could so I would focus solely on distance instead of speed/time.  This run took a lot out of me, but was SO encouraging!  I felt it in my body, but I was able to do it!! :D

Goals for this week

  • Try to stay calm!  I've been freaking out about the 3.5 hour time limit, the rain, spending the night with a friend the night before, etc... YUCK
  • Stay focused on the goal -- my goal is to finish!  Not in any set amount of time.  I'm just going to try my best and do what I can

How were your runs this week?
How is your training going?

Do you fuel and/or hydrate mid-run?