Today, my weight is still 192.2... My official WW weigh in day was Monday and I weighed in at 193.2, so I'm glad to be back to the same weight as last week!!
I'm taking this as a victory after the week I had!
This past week was my birthday week -- which meant several dinners out, cake, ice cream, and all the treats my heart desired! I'm all about balance and treating myself, so I'm really trying not to beat myself up about not losing...
How the week went
To further push myself out of my comfort zone -- and to hold myself fully accountable -- I'm going to do a points breakdown by day... *If you like this let me know in the comments below**
Monday - 38/30
Tuesday - 40/30
Wednesday - 53/30
Thursday - 56/30
Friday - 49/30
Saturday - 41/30
Sunday - 68/30
Seeing it all typed out, I'm stunned at my over-eat! I can say without a doubt that I WASN'T eating mindfully, I wasn't eating enough "power foods", and that I went out to eat without a plan.
I know enough about myself to know that if I go out to eat without a plan, I'll way overspend my points. This is exactly what happened Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday!! Also, that's far too much eating out (this is what happens with family, friends, and hubby each want to take you out for separate celebratory meals).

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