Thursday, June 9, 2016

Thursday's Thoughts & Things

Good evening all!
Here are some thoughts from my Thursday

Why does Pilates feel like so good?

After days of strength training and running, my dabbling in pilates today felt AMAZING.  The stretching and lengthening of my tight muscles make me feel relaxed (like I do after a yoga session) but working some of my minor muscles and my abs also felt like I was actually toning... Not that yoga or stretching isn't toning, it just doesn't feel like a toning/strengthening workout.

I really liked the feeling of engaging muscles that hadn't been worked in a while and will definitely include a pilates workout into my routine next Thursday!

"Rolls" & creases - NSG

NSG = "No Scale Goal"

I thought of this randomly today, but I wanted to set a no scale goal for myself.  Normally, fitting into my clothing or looking better in certain outfits is my loose goal.  Today, I thought a better goal, which is a tad more specific, should be to no longer have a belly "roll" or a crease created by my belly fat hanging over my waistband!

Maybe this is a bit too much info, but my belly is my absolute least favorite body part.  It's always been my trouble zone since I'm technically an apple shape.  Whenever I start gaining weight, you can immediately see it round my tummy.  Unfortunately, it's also the last thing that starts to shrink when I lose weight. 

Having a round tummy (a la Winnie the Pooh) limits me in certain yoga poses and pilates moves -- simply because my gut prevents me from bending all the way. 

I'll reach this No Scale Goal, not when I hit a certain number, but when my tummy shrinks to the point where there's no longer this "overhang" or "apron" of fat creating a crease where my waistband is.  (Does this make sense?)


Relatively recently, since I'm not one of these young hip types, I've become obsessed with Snapchat!  The fun filters, disappearing chats, and daily stories have helped to fill the void that comes with summer time. 

I love using it as an accountability measure - snapping moments in my workouts or pics of my meals and sharing with all my friends makes me want to make better choices!

Also, the occasional pup pic -- because my doggy love is strong.

What are some of your thoughts from today?
 Do you set "No Scale Goals" for yourself?
 Do you have any trouble zones where you see your weight gain? 

Let me know in the comments below ^_^

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