Good Morning and Happy Monday to you all! It's Marathon Monday, so let' start with a peek at how I did last week.
Monday - No Run, Total Body Cardio w/ weights
Tuesday - Run 20 mins, Upper Body Strength
Wednesday - No Run, Lower Body Strength
Thursday - Run 20 mins, Pilates & Ab Workout
Friday - No Run, Cardio without weights (Plyo)
Saturday - Run 20 mins, Total Body Strength
Sunday - No Run, Yoga + Active Recovery & Foam rolling (if needed).

Monday - No Run, Total Body Cardio w/ weights
Tuesday - Run 25 mins, Upper Body Strength

Wednesday - No Run, Lower Body Strength
Thursday - Run 25 mins, Pilates & Ab Workout

Friday - No Run, Cardio without weights (Plyo)
Saturday - No Run, Total Body Strength
Sunday - Run 25 mins, Yoga

How'd it feel?
This week felt GREAT! I felt so strong one day, I randomly decided to do a cartwheel... for literally no reason other than to see if I could do it. I cleared the furniture in my little living room and then BOOM -- Cartwheel! The cartwheel was so shocking that I immediately did it again, and again, and then texted hubby while he was at work to tell him. The second he got home I had to show him! He was super impressed... and then I challenged myself to a handstand using the wall for support
As I was propping myself up with bent knees into kind of a pike position on the wall (see beginners handstand exercises), hubster came right over and grabbed both my ankles -- effectively getting me into the perfect full handstand position with him steadying me. I was so proud that we did it all again!! I could definitely feel this in my shoulders and arms later that night and into the next day or so, but it was so worth it. My new life goal -- become a ninja... handstands are just the beginning!
The only workout where I felt a bit gross was Saturday's Total Body Strength. Hubby and I spent the day out and about - which lead to some bad eating choices. I'm calling this a treat day, because we are all human, but working out after eating handmade potato chips = greasy burps and indigestion. Gross.
In fact, I was rocking the "bad eating tummy" all weekend and into today. Had heartburn all last night due to some KFC that hubby wanted after church. My mistake was in ordering the BBQ dipping sauce with my chicken selection.
However, through all of this, I still tracked my WW points and kept it within my points allotment -- so I'm calling it a win! **More details on Weigh in Wednesday!**
This week's Plan
Monday - Run 25 mins, Total Body Cardio w/ weights
Tuesday - Recover, Upper Body Strength
Wednesday - Run 30 mins, Lower Body Strength
Thursday - Run 25 mins, Pilates & Ab Workout
Friday - Recover, Cardio without weights (Plyo)
Saturday - Run 40 mins, Total Body Strength
Sunday - Recover, Yoga
As far as eating, I still plan to do the Weight Watchers + 21 day fix combo -- by allowing myself little treats that keep me within my points allotment, I feel this is a more realistic nutritional plan. By still focusing on fruits, veggies, and protein it's easy to stay below the 30 points I'm allowed per day -- since fruits and veggies are 0 points. I feel well fed, so I'm going to keep it up for one more week -- as I take these things a week at a time.
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