This week, my "Just for Fun" task was Menu Planning!!
I kid you not!
I love my planner (mine is like the discbound binder set as the featured image of this post), organizing my calendar, using agendas, etc... I'm not always the most organized person, but I love to sit down and take the time to lay everything out.
I used my day off this week to plan a menu, which is what I normally do for the week -- but this time, I planned a whole month's worth of meals. This included grocery lists for every two weeks and the ability to switch things around if needed.
The idea for monthly menu planning came in when I stumbled across a random blog post talking about how planning more "big picture" saves money in the long run. Short term meal planning (like just for today or just for the next few days) leads to more grocery store runs and then more "that looks good" purchasing.
This also plays into weight loss. If there's a plan in place, then it's easier to stay "on plan". If there's no plan in place, it's sometimes easy to fall into the whole take-out or order-in for meals phase -- which I've long tried to avoid.
What did you do just for fun today or this week?
Do you menu/meal plan with your family?
How do you stay on plan for weight loss?
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