Thursday, November 5, 2015

Thirsty Thursday #1

This is the first Thirsty Thursday of my new Marathon Training cycle!  Today I will be focusing on hydration -- drinking as much water as I need to make my body feel great and perform well.  

This week, I've worked on not only drinking more water -- but also drinking less of the bad stuff.  I've avoided pop, as I am so addicted to Diet Coke and Diet Dr. Pepper!  Having one or one sip is just out of the question, so instead I've just decided to transition to unsweetened teas and coffees.  I've also been avoiding Splenda -- my other addiction -- and all artificial sweeteners for a myriad of reasons.  (Stay tuned for a "what to eat Wednesday" on Splenda...)

I heard somewhere that drinking water should be the first thing you reach for in the morning -- even before coffee!! -- and the last thing you reach for before you go to bed.  I'm not sure if I've noticed any changes throughout the day after drinking first thing in the morning -- but I do notice that waking up in the morning without snoozing is no problem if you drink a bunch before bed.  In fact, I've found myself beating my alarm due the past few mornings... when nature calls, there's no snooze button!

Do you have any tips for drinking more water?  
How much water do you drink per day?  
Do you see any changes since you've incorporated more water into your routine?

1 comment:

  1. I take my water bottle everywhere with me and sip from it all day. I also drink herbal teas and decaf coffee rather than coffee or pop.
