Anyone thinking, "why Point.Five.Korean"?
I know right!
Okay maybe more like "WTF?" or "WTH?"
It's an inside joke that captures a little bit about me in a way that's just my style. Is it grammatically correct? NOPE -- and neither am I! Is it profound, uber-intellectual, and mysterious? NOPE -- not that either. What it is, is what I am -- straight to the point with a little humor.
I'm half Korean -- my daddy met my super cute mommy in a little town in South Korean. They met, fell in love, and BOOM!! Since I'm a numbers fan and math nerd, I see "half Korean" and think 1/2 = 50% = 0.5 Korean... and there you have it, Point.Five.Korean it is.
So where's the inside joke? Well anytime I'm feeling particularly awesome, I will scream "Point.Five.Korean!!" as if it were a sports broadcaster announcing a winning goal of a Stanley Cup finals hockey game.
Yup -- I've done this more often than I'd like to admit. Yep. Deal with it ^_^ Thanks for dropping by!
Any of you have crazy inside jokes that won't ever die, no matter what??
Any other Point.Five's out there?
Leave a comment/reply and let me know ^_^

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