This week's Workouts
How did it go?
This week's eating plan
- Eat when you're hungry, stop when you're full --
- Nothing is off limits -- eat what brings you joy
- Eat mindfully with limited distractions
- Enjoy each and every bite
This half-Korean girl is Running on Kimchi and Rice! Here I share some of my stories from growing up PointFiveKorean, training for my first marathon, and battling the bulge.
This mornings run was scheduled as a 35 minute easy run.
With all my struggles lately, I was apprehensive and wanted to really listen to my body.
Three minutes into my warmup walk, I felt the tightness in my calves and thought I should stop and stretch... So with the help of a beautiful big tree I got to stretching.
Then I noticed them. A river of fire ants weaving around the bark of the tree winding all the way up and down. It was already too late and as I fled from the tree brushing the little demons off I could already feel the burning stinging bites around my ankles and legs.
Undeterred I completed my run. As usual the first thirty minutes were a constant struggle between my will power and my lack of self confidence. After all, just because I've run for over three hours without stopping doesn't mean I can run an easy 35... Or does it?
But then, for the last 5 minutes or so, my body just settled in and loosened up. And running was... Fun...
It's the last five minutes that keep me coming back for more.
Back home I'm noticing the massive swelling from the bites and the pain and itchiness is already setting in. Going to be a long day.
How do you treat fire ant bites?
How was your last run?
Do you ever have those moments during your run that make it all better?
The huge rush of excitement that I feel race day is weirdly followed by a feeling of emptiness.
Like the day after Christmas... School is still out, but all the presents are opened. The day you waited for all year is done and now you're stuck eating leftovers considering the rest of your year...
That's where I've been all week. In a head space of "now what?"
I figured it out!
I will be running a full marathon on a March 3rd!!! This means I can start training Monday and will have 25 weeks of training broken into several phases.
With each phase, there will be a slightly different emphasis -- where major mileage building will come closer to the end.
This will give my legs a bit of a break while I really focus on cross training and weight lifting to strengthen all over.
What do you normally feel like after a long awaited race?
What's your training plan?
What's your favorite workout for cross training or weight lifting?