This half-Korean girl is Running on Kimchi and Rice! Here I share some of my stories from growing up PointFiveKorean, training for my first marathon, and battling the bulge.
Monday, July 4, 2016
Friday, July 1, 2016
Goals for July
It's July 1st, which means it's time to reflect on the month of June and the progress I made on my goals as well as set new goals for this month!
June's Goals
Get into the 180's
15 runs in June
90 oz water per day
Track w/integrity EVERY DAY!!
I'm happy to report on each of these goals!! WOOHOO!
Get into the 180's
I'm happy to report that as of this morning I'm fluctuating between 189 lbs and 188.4 lbs! I recorded the higher of the two for HappyScale! This means I met my milestone 4 and can start work on Milestone 5! Slow and steady wins the race!
15 Runs in June
I'm counting this one done -- on a technicality... technically my "Month of June" started mid-week, So I'm counting all the runs that week instead of just the calendar mark. Training calendar trumps actual calendar, right?

90 oz Water Per Day
This one is a bit tricky -- I didn't necessarily track the water I drank... I just made sure to drink a LOT especially after a hot run or after being in the humidity for a while.
My Go-To mug is a 32 oz double wall insulated deal that I refill multiple times per day. I also fill it to the brim with ice at each refill, so the actual water content may be significantly less than the 32 ounce mark.
Moving forward, I'm just going to keep pushing water...
The silver lining is that I haven't had pop (or soda if you're southern) in a long time. Well over a month -- so this pushing water focus is helping in that arena. I'm a long time diet coke addict, but realized it was slowly killing me so I've since reformed. I now obsess over coffee, tea, and water.
Track with Integrity every day!
I nailed this goal -- and I can honestly say that it's so much easier when I'm doing the 21 day fix meal plan. I usually can bust through all my portions for the day and still have points leftover. Cooking at home helps with this too -- as it gives me more control over what I add to the food, how my meals are prepared, and how big my portions are.
I'm trying to fall into a rhythm with eating that goes something like this:
- Breakfast - eggs or a smoothie
- Snack - Protein shake if I workout in the AM, coffee + fruit if I workout later that day.
- Lunch - Leftovers, a Big salad with lots of veg + protein, or avocado toast w/egg
- Snack - Fruit usually, or I skip it if my lunch was sufficiently large. My go to around this time if I'm starving is an apple with almond butter.... mmmm
- Dinner - Protein + veg + carb, I like to designate a carb to this meal time. Something about having a carb at dinner helps me feel full and satisfied, even if it's just a half cup of rice.
- Dessert/Snack - Date Rolls (homemade), Greek yogurt w/ honey & nuts, or skip if I'm full.
Goals for July
- Crush my Runs!! (As planned)
- Be active every day!! (Workout, run, or active recovery - yoga, pilates, foam rolling, stretching)
- Drink up!! (Water, water, water, unsweetened tea, water, water, coffee...)
- Hit Milestone #5 -- 180!
I've got this!
What are you goals for this month?
Did you crush your June Goals?
What's your rhythm for meals throughout the day?
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Mental Game & Ear pain
For this week, I thought I'd dive deeper into the issue of mental toughness when training and also fill you in on my ear situation...
Mind Over Matter
After a quick second of research, I stumbled across an article from Runner's World online discussing exactly what I struggled with on Monday's run - the mental aspect of running.
Noakes suggests, “If you want to be competitive, you have to learn how to deal with the discomfort. A lot of the heavy, good physical training is about training the brain to cope with discomfort.”
Coping with discomfort is an idea that I'm interested in. Most behavioral scientists will tell you that humans tend to exert more energy to avoid discomfort that to gain pleasures. Someone who's starving will work harder to get anything to eat that someone who's already full will work towards dessert. This makes sense from a biological standpoint -- one doesn't need dessert, but needs a proper meal.
Apparently, the brain has its own type of governor - a mechanism that doesn't really allow you to work to the point of complete exhaustion. You'll feel like you're giving the full 100%, but it's probably closer to 70%. This is a survival tactic for the body and the brain. After all, if you were able to push to the full level of complete and utter exhaustion every time you hit the gym, your ambulance bill would be sky high!
For each person, this is different - of course -- and with training you can push yourself to use up more and more of your energy. One does this by essentially ignoring the body's "stop it" signals and pushing even more. Ignoring the pain, cramping, or negative talks is easier said (typed) than done. See the brain is smart (duh) and knows ways of making you quit, so it takes serious mental fortitude to make this happen. It also takes lots and lots of practice.
I've found that when I'm distracted (by music, a book on tape, or my own thoughts) the runs go by easier and with less noteable exertion. It's when my head's all over the place that I really feel I have to force each step.
Runner's World magazine recommend various tactics to occupy your thoughts while running including; replaying your favorite movie in your head or listening to it play on your ipod and imagine the scenes, do math!!, make up a story, play the alphabet game (or any road trip game really, especially if you don't run alone), making a to-do list, organizing your day/week/month, or even try meditation -- allowing the thoughts to come and go as they please without forcing the issue.
Ear Pain
Randomly, I woke up this morning with ear pain and a sore throat -- but all on my left side. There are no other signs or symptoms, nor have I had any symptoms in previous days. I'm concerned that it's an ear infection or something sinister, so I'm up and ready to call my Primary Care physician to hopefully swing by today. I really don't like this feeling! It is definitely worse when I lay down, so I tossed and turned most of the night away.
I was scheduled to run today, but I definitely feel my body could use an active recovery day (pilates and stretching later) since I'm upping my mileage. This will allow my ear and throat to recover too. I was WIPED OUT yesterday after the 4 mile training run (in the 85 degree heat and 95% humidity), so I'm glad to recover!
For today, I will be happily recovering and hydrating while nursing my sore ear and throat :(
How do you handle the mental aspect of running/training?
Do you ever have a negative inner voice? How does it affect you? How do you handle it?
What makes you keep going?
Let me know in the comments below ^_^
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Weigh in Wednesday #9
It's that time of the week again! Where we run to the bathroom four or five times, strip down to nothing, and hold our breath on the scale... Nah just teasing -- I only do two of those three things... ^-^
Goals from Last week
- Eat single ingredient foods with every meal.
- This went pretty well -- there were only a few meals (mostly when we ate out) where I wasn't super sure how the foods were prepared... I'm going to keep practicing this, and become more and more aware of how I'm fueling my body.
- Workout out every day!
- This definitely happened -- As my mileage increases, I'm feeling the mental fight starting where I feel like I shouldn't run and workout on the same day -- but strength training means I'll grow stronger! This has to be a part of my routine!
- Be Grateful each day
- While I'm definitely grateful, this goal needs more practice as well. I am blessed each day with so many thing - my husband, my job, my family, and my health - I'll have to incorporate a ritual to make this more of a focus.
Results from Happy Scale
Last week, my moving average was 190.9 and my 10-day-best was 189.6
This week, my moving average is 190.6 and my 10-day-best is 189.6... not much of a change, but I'm THANKFUL that it didn't MOVE UP!

This means my moving average is .3bs less than last week's! It's also worth noting that my 10 day best weigh in (189.6) happened again this morning! (Post run, so I'm sure I'm closer to 190.6 right now...)

I have to remember, when I feel discouraged or rushed, that these changes are for the rest of my life. Health and nutrition are a top priority to me, because many of my long & short term goals require it. There's no way around it.
The rate at which I'm losing weight and gaining strength don't matter as much as the rate at which my mindset has changed.
Points Breakdown
Monday - 30/23/+6
Tuesday -30/38/+3
Wednesday -30/33/+7
Thursday - 30/40/+5
Friday - 30/33/+3
Saturday -30/46/+8
Sunday - 30/39/+0
Totals: Goal - 210, Actual - 252, Activity - 32, Weeklies - 49
This means I ended the week with 39 leftover points!!! Compared to last week's 22, this feels like I'm moving in the right direction! Essentially, I only used 42 of my weeklies and no activity points -- so I think I'm at a place where I don't need to swap my activity points for food.
Somewhere on social media or youtube or somewhere, I heard someone remark about how they don't, "train for treats" -- because they aren't a dog! I had never heard it put like this before! They were arguing that the mindset of having to earn calories by working out crazily created a dangerous mindset where food had more power over you than it should.
Instead, this person argued, the focus should be on giving the body what it needs when it needs it (carbs after exercise to replenish glycogen stores, protein to build muscles, etc...). The idea was that treats or cheat meals are earned by living a life that is otherwise healthy and nutritious. This is like when all those nutritionists say that certain treats can be a one in a blue moon occurrence in an otherwise "healthy diet".
To me, treats aren't earned in the gym -- they are a part of my training plan and mental health. Where's the fun in eating well and exercising if that means I can't indulge once in a while? :-P
Goals for this week
- Eating - 21 day fix + WWSP tracking. I decided that this week will be a SmartPoints week to see how I do with smartpoints. I won't be trading in my activity points, but I'll still track them. I'll also be saving most of my weeklies for my cheat meal - though I'm not entirely sure what it will be yet... we'll see.
- Exercise every day - I am currently running 4 days a week and will incorporate strength training, yoga, and pilates. Becoming a ninja is hard work -- but worth it!
- List what I'm grateful for each day - I have a hobonichi planner, which if you're unfamiliar is a cross between a planner and a journal. In it's pages for the next week, I will write what I'm grateful and be thankful to have the opportunity.
How did your weigh in go this week?
How did you strike a balance between nutrition and treats?
How do you stay mindful of all your blessings?
Let me know in the comments below ^_^
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Tuesday's Treats
It's grey and drizzly out -- which means I'm working from the comfort of my bed! I'm in complete denial about having to wake up, get up, and get moving -- so I'm counting this morning's lazy as my first treat!
Later today, I'll squeeze in an upper body workout and (maybe) a total body workout in the evening. I have a few errands to run - groceries and such - so somehow, I'll need to get out of this bed. But not yet.
Lazy Walrus

I always feel bad about being lazy -- which means I don't really enjoy my down time. I usually feel like I need to be doing something productive.
Since it's my summer, I don't have as much work to do as I do in the fall and winter -- so I have that nagging sense of "I'm forgetting something". Normally, I'd distract myself from this feeling and my guilty conscience with some sunshine and summer fun, but today I'm stuck in the house. I have nothing pressing to do (besides my workouts and errands) and I have very little motivation...
So instead of finding something to do around the house (cleaning, etc...) which doesn't need to be done (read: I just cleaned it yesterday), I've decided to treat myself! My treat will be a little laziness today.
I am the lazy walrus!
Maybe not so lazy
Even as I sit in bed typing these words, I know that I still have a short list of errands I'd like to run and work I'd like to do.
Typing this post does count as doing something, right?
So maybe I'll just allow myself a few other treats as well... like a bath, or an at home facial, or even a yummy meal out.
How are you treating yourself today?
Do you ever feel guilty for "down days"?
How do you handle relaxing?
Let me know in the comments below!! ^_^
Monday, June 27, 2016
Marathon Monday #9
Good Morning -- As I'm writing this, I'm recovering from this morning's run; the first run of week 9. I'm red, I'm sweaty, and I'm beat!!
Monday - Run 25 mins, Total Body Cardio w/ weights
Tuesday - No run, Upper Body Strength
Wednesday - Run 30 mins, Lower Body Strength
Thursday - Run 25 mins, Pilates & Ab Workout
Friday - No Run, Cardio without weights (Plyo)
Saturday - Run 40 mins, Total Body Strength
Sunday - No Run, Yoga + Active Recovery & Foam rolling (if needed).

Monday - Ran 25 mins, Total Body Cardio w/ weights
Tuesday - No Run, Upper Body Strength
Wednesday - Ran 30 mins, Lower Body Strength
Thursday - Ran 25 mins, Pilates & Ab Workout
Friday - No Run, Cardio without weights (Plyo)
Saturday - Ran 40 mins, Total Body Strength
Sunday - No Run - Recovery Day (*No yoga due to tummy bloat issues*)
How'd it feel?
I keep feeling stronger and stronger each week. I did a handstand with hubby's assist again (because my negative self doubted I ever did it in the first place... showed that B**** what's what!).
On some of the workout days (arms, lets, Dirty 30) -- I upped my weights to challenge myself! Strong legs, strong arms, strong lady!!
This week's Plan
This week is the "big switch" in my training. I'm switching from running for time to running for distance. This is not a problem 0_0 -- only it messes with my head. Today's run is done, but it was a total mental fight to get out there and get it done... but now that it's done, I feel great! I could've kept going, so physically I'm ready. I just have to sharpen my mental game!
Monday - Run 25 mins, Total Body Cardio w/ weights
Tuesday - Recover, Upper Body Strength
Wednesday - Run 30 mins, Lower Body Strength
Thursday - Run 25 mins, Pilates & Ab Workout
Friday - Recover, Cardio without weights (Plyo)
Saturday - Run 40 mins, Total Body Strength
Sunday - Recover, Yoga
As far as eating, I'm battling the need to switch things up. I didn't see huge jumps in the scale, like I was hoping for, but it dawned on me (mid run, when I have most of my epiphanies) that I just need to stay the course. The last few years have been a constant switch from one thing to the next to chase weight loss. That part of my life is over. I'm chasing strength now.
I want to be a NINJA! I want to show how strong I am; to prove it to myself and to anyone who's ever doubted me.
Instead of changing this up or quitting, I'm digging my heels in. I will stick with the 21 day fix + weight watchers combo, but to satisfy the "change" without steering off course, I'm going to do Smart Points instead of Points Plus -- This means no trading in activity points (since I train for strength, not food - cuz I'm not a dog) and this also means that treats will cost me.
This is fine with me. A fit lifestyle for life means 6 days eating on point with one cheat meal on the 7th day. I plan to save those weeklies for an awesome cheat meal... more on this on Wednesday...
How did you do this week?
What are you training for? To be a ninja like me?
How do you sharpen your mental game?
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Thursday's Thoughts & Things
This week, my mind has been on MOVIES!!! It's super hot outside, which means I'm happy inside with my AC... and NETFLIX, AMAZON, and YOUTUBE!
I watched That Sugar Film -- which is essentially a documentary a kin to SuperSize Me only the narrator eats 40 teaspoons of sugar per day instead of binging on McDonald's.

Damon is the star of the film as well as the sole participant in this one man experiment. He and his wife live off of "clean" foods -- a somewhat Paleo diet that's focused around lean proteins, healthy fats, and fresh produce. This starting point, so the movie claims, will be a stark juxtaposition to what a "normal" diet would consist of.
The rules were simple, he's supposed to consume no more than 40 teaspoons of sugar per day while consuming only "healthy" foods; things labeled as low fat or a healthier option. He stayed away from "junk" foods; milkshakes, candies, etc... and focused on "hidden sugars" or sugars that you wouldn't suspect a food to contain. Foods like pasta sauce and crackers are full of these hidden sugars, but so are lowfat yogurt options.
Apparently, as foods are lowered in fat they are also raised in sugar to keep them palatable.
In one scene, the first breakfast of the experiment, Damon reached 20 teaspoons of sugar in one meal. This breakfast consisted of cereal, a glass of orange juice, and lowfat yogurt. It shocked me to think that this is a "normal" breakfast for so many. To start the day with so much sugar, but very few nutrients, is dizzying.
The film is set in Australia, but travels to the US for portions of the film. One portion of the film discusses the plight of the aborigines as they struggle on the "Standard" Australian Diet. As they were living completely off the land less than 100 years ago, their rapidly declining health is attributed almost solely to the shift in diet from whole foods to sodas, chips, and crackers.
I would definitely recommend this as a watch for anyone focused on fully nourishing their bodies... it'll start a habit of checking labels on foods & eating single ingredient foods with sunshine in them!
Ex Machina

This one was a recommendation from a friend and is a sci-fi meets thriller that'll leave you thinking.
Hubby and I discussed this during and after the film.
Basically, this movie discusses Artificial Intelligence and how one computer might pass the Turing Test -- a way to gauge whether a computer has consciousness or not.
Caleb, a young coder, wins his company's contest to spend a week with the boss at his massive and very high tech estate. The boss, a la Steve Jobs, is a weird and intense and slightly off dude with lots to share.
At this estate/research facility, Caleb meets Ava -- the AI prototype developed and in need of testing.
Very intense... but super engaging
I recommend watching -- but maybe with your spouse or your friends, so you'll have someone to discuss it with!
Movies I'd like to see
Free State of Jones
Suicide Squad
Star Trek Beyond
Miss Peregrines School for Peculiar children
Doctor Strange
Rogue One
**Note, most of these will not come out until later this year -- but I'M SO READY TO SEE THEM!! :-D
What movies are you watching this summer?
Do you have a favorite film that keeps you thinking?
What's your favorite movie genre?
Let me know in the comments below ^_^
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Weigh in Wednesday #8
It's weigh in Wednesday -- and I've been battling my internet service provider since yesterday. It seems they cannot fix the issue over the phone and will have to send out a technician sometime between 1 and 4 pm today. Luckily, I have no plans to do anything other than work out...
Goals from Last week
- Eating 21 day fix plan
- This went well, until Saturday -- we tried a new breakfast spot, spent the morning running errands, and then found a new spot for lunch (where I indulged in fried foods and cheese and carbs!). I stayed within my points, but definitely didn't eat as "clean" as I usually do.
- Meditation
- I barely meditated at all this week o_o. I'm going to reserve this practice for when Fall is in full swing, as I think it'll be more beneficial when I'm stressed or anxious. For now, I'm just enjoying the sunshine and chill days.
- 21 day fix workouts
- This went super well! I've found enjoyment (and an immense feeling of pride) working out every day-- every. single. day. On days when I run, I get two workouts per day, but I run in the morning and lift in the evening. I've been feeling really recharged by the evening or afternoon workouts, so I'll keep listening to my body and pace myself if necessary.
Results from Happy Scale
Last week, my moving average was 192.0 and my 10-day-best was 191.0
This week, my moving average is 190.9 and my 10-day-best is 189.6!! WOOHOO!

This means my moving average is 1.1lbs less than last week's! WOOT WOOT!

This is really encouraging, even though -- to be honest -- I was alittle upset from the scale's results this morning. I weighed in at 193! Last week I was eating really well and feeling really strong with my workouts, but then splurged for mostly the whole weekend. Saturday was full of eating out and "treats", though I managed to stay within my PointsPlus allowance.
Points Breakdown
Monday - 30/39/+3
Tuesday -30/30/+3
Wednesday -30/30/+2
Thursday - 30/36/+6
Friday - 30/32/+2
Saturday -30/62/+2
Sunday - 30/31/+5
Totals: Goal - 210, Actual - 260, Activity - 23, Weeklies - 49
This means I ended the week with 22 leftover points!!! Compared to last week's 8, this feels like a lot!
Goals for this week
My goals for this week are a bit different from last week but are in the same vein:
- Eat single ingredient foods with every meal.
- I'll be using the 21 day fix containers to ensure portion control, and keep in the spirit of the 21 day fix as far as the number of servings of each type of food. So in a way, this is the same as my 21 day fix eating plan goals -- I'm just upping the ante in that for this week, I'll be trying to eat foods with a single ingredient. Sweet Potatoes, Chicken, Beef, Broccoli, Lettuce, -- foods that are whole and clean. This means avoiding those meals of mac and cheese from a box or super processed cheese crackers.
- Workout out every day!
- Though this week is going well so far, I feel that soon I'll tire of the 21 day fix workouts (?) Maybe? If so, I wanted a goal that would keep me active and focused on strength/fitness but won't keep me in a box. (When I feel boxed in, I tend to also get scatter brained and discouraged -- so trying to avoid this is best).
- Be Grateful each day
- There is so much to be grateful for in this world -- and remembering to be grateful first is so important to me. I refuse to be one of those jerks that takes everything for granted! [Today, I'm grateful for all of you readers -- just FYI!]
How did your weigh in go this week?
What workouts have you found that've worked?
Have you ever had to change up your programs to keep things interesting?
Let me know in the comments below ^_^
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Tuesday treat day
This Tuesday I felt like crud -- so I treated myself to...
A mid morning nap
An early morning walk with the pup
An afternoon YouTube binge
A pre-dinner iced coffee
And a short blog post!
How did you treat yourself today?
Do you ever take a day to heal and focus?
What's your favorite YouTube channel?
Monday, June 20, 2016
Marathon Monday #8
Good Morning and Happy Monday to you all! It's Marathon Monday, so let' start with a peek at how I did last week.
Monday - No Run, Total Body Cardio w/ weights
Tuesday - Run 20 mins, Upper Body Strength
Wednesday - No Run, Lower Body Strength
Thursday - Run 20 mins, Pilates & Ab Workout
Friday - No Run, Cardio without weights (Plyo)
Saturday - Run 20 mins, Total Body Strength
Sunday - No Run, Yoga + Active Recovery & Foam rolling (if needed).

Monday - No Run, Total Body Cardio w/ weights
Tuesday - Run 25 mins, Upper Body Strength

Wednesday - No Run, Lower Body Strength
Thursday - Run 25 mins, Pilates & Ab Workout

Friday - No Run, Cardio without weights (Plyo)
Saturday - No Run, Total Body Strength
Sunday - Run 25 mins, Yoga

How'd it feel?
This week felt GREAT! I felt so strong one day, I randomly decided to do a cartwheel... for literally no reason other than to see if I could do it. I cleared the furniture in my little living room and then BOOM -- Cartwheel! The cartwheel was so shocking that I immediately did it again, and again, and then texted hubby while he was at work to tell him. The second he got home I had to show him! He was super impressed... and then I challenged myself to a handstand using the wall for support
As I was propping myself up with bent knees into kind of a pike position on the wall (see beginners handstand exercises), hubster came right over and grabbed both my ankles -- effectively getting me into the perfect full handstand position with him steadying me. I was so proud that we did it all again!! I could definitely feel this in my shoulders and arms later that night and into the next day or so, but it was so worth it. My new life goal -- become a ninja... handstands are just the beginning!
The only workout where I felt a bit gross was Saturday's Total Body Strength. Hubby and I spent the day out and about - which lead to some bad eating choices. I'm calling this a treat day, because we are all human, but working out after eating handmade potato chips = greasy burps and indigestion. Gross.
In fact, I was rocking the "bad eating tummy" all weekend and into today. Had heartburn all last night due to some KFC that hubby wanted after church. My mistake was in ordering the BBQ dipping sauce with my chicken selection.
However, through all of this, I still tracked my WW points and kept it within my points allotment -- so I'm calling it a win! **More details on Weigh in Wednesday!**
This week's Plan
Monday - Run 25 mins, Total Body Cardio w/ weights
Tuesday - Recover, Upper Body Strength
Wednesday - Run 30 mins, Lower Body Strength
Thursday - Run 25 mins, Pilates & Ab Workout
Friday - Recover, Cardio without weights (Plyo)
Saturday - Run 40 mins, Total Body Strength
Sunday - Recover, Yoga
As far as eating, I still plan to do the Weight Watchers + 21 day fix combo -- by allowing myself little treats that keep me within my points allotment, I feel this is a more realistic nutritional plan. By still focusing on fruits, veggies, and protein it's easy to stay below the 30 points I'm allowed per day -- since fruits and veggies are 0 points. I feel well fed, so I'm going to keep it up for one more week -- as I take these things a week at a time.
How did you do this week?
What was your training like?
What's your favorite way to cross train
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Thursday's Thoughts & Things...
It's that day of the week again, where I share random thoughts and things from my life. Do you like these types of posts? Should I keep doing this? Leave a comment and let me know!
Father's Day
With Sunday being Father's Day, I can't help but think about my own Papa. We normally don't do anything crazy for our father's (my dad and my father in law) -- since they don't like the attention. Well, at least they don't claim to like the attention. Usually we'll do a card or a small gift. If we're in town or nearby we'll do a meal either at home or at the restaurant of their choice.
I'm considering starting a new tradition... text blasts.
My parents are new to texting, but have really taken a liking to it for the past two years. Really, since my mom got an iphone and discovered the pure joy of emoji's... and the ease of switching from an English to a Korean keyboard. These things are much easier on an iphone than on the other phones they used.
My plan is to get out as many old photos as possible and just start texting them to him one after another starting as God-Awful-Early as I can. There's a really good one where we both had awesome bedhead. It's my #1.
Random Father Story
The story that best summarizes the relationship my dad had with my toddler self is how I woke him up from one particular nap.
He was working nights at the time, so he was always asleep when we were awake and gone while we were asleep. I wasn't more than 3 or 4 and must've been missing my daddy terribly at the time.
Usually, he would get home, shower, eat, and then head to bed. He would always make sure the bedroom door was closed and the rule was no going in unless the door is opened. Once he'd slept enough, he'd swing the door open and come on out to play with us and hang out.
My mother must've gone into the bedroom for something and forgotten to close the door after her. The way my dad tells it, she did this on purpose when she decided he had slept enough. Either way, the open door was the cue that it was officially, "daddy's awake" time.
As the ninja I have always been and definitely was, I stealthily launched into a full sprint from the end of the hallway to the foot of the bed where I proceeded to do a full tuck jump and land knees first into his back.
You see, my pop sleeps on his tummy (or did on this day), so he took both knees into his back as a gentle nudge to consciousness.
It was awesome!!
If you ask him, it was debilitatingly painful. So let's not ask him.... Awesome it is.
When Eminem is your hype man
I played this song on repeat -- Till I Collapse -- The first minute... motivates me!
Do you have any fond memories of your father(s)?
What do you normally do to celebrate?
Who's your hype man/woman?
Is there a certain song that just gets you going?
Let me know in the comments below ^_^
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Weigh In Wednesday #7
This past week's eating plan was based on the 21 day fix eating plan (4 servings of protein/veg, 3 servings of fruit/carbs, etc...). Meals were designed around these while tracking using WWPP.
For exercise, I did my training runs but also incorporated the 21 day fix workouts. My idea was to try this for one week to see how it felt... and I have to say, it felt pretty good.
I felt so good and so successful with this combination that I'm doing it again this week!
Goals from Last week
- Eating 21 day fix plan
- This went well! I was not striving for perfection, but this eating plan emphasizes portion control (which I tend to cheat) and clean foods (power foods). By trying to get all 4 servings of veg and protein and al 3 servings of fruit in each day, I found myself eating really well. I didn't feel hungry, but when I felt like indulging - I just made sure it fit into my points for the day/week.
- Meditation
- I took time to meditate most every day. Some times it was just on the run - zoning out and letting the music flow. Other times, I used the Headspace app and took a 10 minute meditation break. It's getting easier, but as far as how it impacts the rest of my day, we'll have to see with continued practice.
- 21 day fix workouts
- This went well! I've found myself in different places each day -- a few days working out was a challenge, others it was a joy. It was nice to just press the play button my DVD player and go. I can definitely feel these workouts today though -- will need to stretch more. With all this extra time in the summer, it's really a nice commitment to work out every day -- every. single. day.
Results from Happy Scale
Last week, my moving average was 193.4 and my 10-day-best was 192.6.
Today, my moving average is 192.0 and my 10-day-best is 191.0!

As far as progress towards my goals/milestones, my next goal is to get below 190 -- this makes 189 a milestone. 2 lbs to go!!
My weight trends are all "in the green" - meaning I'm trending down. In the past 90 days, I've only lost 3.6lbs, which is due to gains and losses canceling out the effort. I'm determined to keep these all green and moving!

The most exciting change is under Predictions, where it now says that I'll reach my 189 Milestone in 25 days (instead of over a Year!!).
Points Breakdown
Monday - 30/30/+1
Tuesday -30/37/+3
Wednesday -30/34/+2
Thursday - 30/43/+5
Friday - 30/38/+7
Saturday -30/42/+6
Sunday - 30/54/+3
Totals: Goal - 210, Actual - 278, Activity - 27, Weeklies - 49
This means I ended the week with 8 leftover points!!! Compared to last week, this is such an improvement!
Goals for this week
My goals for this week are similar to last week -- because why change something that I feel good about and that worked for me?
- Eat based on the 21 day fix and WWPP
- Meditate!
- Workout based on the 21 day fix workouts and include the training runs
How did your weigh in go this week?
What have you found that's worked?
Have you ever merged together programs like this?
Let me know in the comments below ^_^
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Tuesday's Treats #7
It's Tuesday, which means I'm all about treats today. After a weekend of girly fun, I feel like I've been well "treated" and am going to focus on self care as my reward of choice.
Treats from Girl's Weekend
My bestie and I had a girls only weekend that included a sleepover. We watched movies, ate junk food, and got the glitteriest mani/pedi's EVER!
This morning's Treats
First up, my morning run. I set my mind on the goal of running and set my music to motivate. It was a hot one, but it felt SOO GOOD.
Once I finished my run, I made my recovery drink of choice -- a Protein Latte. This is basically a scoop of EAS Lean 15 Protein Powder mixed into iced coffee instead of water. I ran out of iced coffee, so I used a scoop of my favorite Espresso powder and lots of ice and water.
For Breakfast, I made avocado toast with a whole fried egg + 1 egg white on top. Something about the yolk + avocado is the best most amazing treat ever. Adding a ton of Korean Hot Pepper Powder bumps it up a notch. A generous sprinkle is REQUIRED for deliciousness.
Afternoon/Evening Treats
This afternoon, I have to do some work and then go to a dinner meeting -- where I'll be treating myself to a meal of FISH! Something I love to eat, but don't often cook for myself. This is mostly because I can't stand the smell that lingers once fish is cooked in a small space, but partly because Hubby doesn't eat fish -- and I don't like making a fuss for something only I'll eat.
Once the meeting's over, I'll do my Upper Body Strength workout and have a quick shower before some one on one time with Hubby.
We'll end the evening with some movies that I've wanted to watch -- they've been sitting on my Netflix for what feels like 254 years.
How are you treating yourself this week?
What's your stance on glittery nail polish??
Do you eat Fish at home? If so, how do you prevent the fishy smell???
Let me know in the comments below ^_^
Monday, June 13, 2016
Marathon Monday #7
Welcome to week 7 of Marathon Training -- it's Marathon Monday, so let's review how last week went
Plan - 4 runs
- Tuesday - 5 min walk, 5 min run, 3 min walk, 8 min run, 3 min walk, 5 min run, 5 min walk
- Thursday - 5 min walk, 10 min run, 3 min walk, 10 min run, 5 min walk.
- Friday - 5 min walk, 22 min run, 5 min walk
- Sunday - 5 min walk, 22 min run, 5 min walk
Actual - 3 runs
- Tuesday - 5 min walk, 5 min run, 3 min walk, 8 min run, 3 min walk, 5 min run, 5 min walk

- Thursday - 5 min walk, 10 min run, 3 min walk, 10 min run, 5 min walk.

- Saturday - 5 min walk, 22 min run, 5 min walk

How'd it Go?
Even though I didn't make all four planned runs, I'm really proud of myself for this week. I worked out EVERY SINGLE DAY -- including the days when ran. I challenged myself to try a week of the 21 day fix workouts as well as mostly the eating plan (focusing on getting all the servings of fruit, veg, and protein in each day, but still tracking WWPP each day).
I have to say, I'm feeling really strong... so I'm going to try it again this week.
This week's plan, Running & Workouts
Monday - No Run, Total Body Cardio w/ weights
Tuesday - Run 20 mins, Upper Body Strength
Wednesday - No Run, Lower Body Strength
Thursday - Run 20 mins, Pilates & Ab Workout
Friday - No Run, Cardio without weights (Plyo)
Saturday - Run 20 mins, Total Body Strength
Sunday - No Run, Yoga + Active Recovery & Foam rolling (if needed).
How did your week go?
Do you get all your planned runs in or do you have challenges like me?
How do you incorporate workouts into your week?
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